What is a One-Sheet?

February 15, 2016

+44 (0)116 253 0203

A one-sheet is, as the name suggests, a single sheet of paper detailing relevant information about your latest music release. It is a simple document to create, but an effective one-sheet can make a huge difference between a release that has support or promotion behind it and one that has nothing.

One-sheets can be used by for a variety of reasons, but we receive them when artists are interested in marketing or would like stores to promote their release. It should be in pdf format and can be as creative as you like, as long as it tells the reader all of the compelling reasons why your release should receive additional promotion.

You should have a different one-sheet for digital stores and physical stores as there is different information that is necessary for each of them, similar to how you would have a different CV for each job you apply for.

What Should It Include?

  • Below is the information that you should include for digital stores:
  • Artist name,
  • Release name,
  • Release date and upcoming tour dates,
  • Barcode and catalogue number,
  • Record label,
  • Artwork,
  • Genre,
  • Track listings (including bonus and hidden tracks),
  • Parental Advisory (where relevant),
  • Relevant and up to date promotional information and press coverage (including digital and print press as well as radio plays/interviews).

It is good to include a small paragraph about the artist, especially if there is something that could be genuinely interesting to other people and to the digital stores. A brief description about what makes the release different from your others can also be very useful. There should also be information about what territories the music will be available and where most of your marketing efforts will be taking place.

The information you include should all be factual information about which publications or radio stations have supported you, as opposed to simply where your music has been sent. You should list your upcoming tour dates or the performances that you will be doing to support your release, include details of where you will be performing and when. If you are touring with another artists include this here too, especially if they are well-known.

During a busy promotional campaign, the details can change every day so it is important to make sure that the one-sheet you are sending out is fully up-to-date. We recommend creating a new version every week so that we are aware of your progress and can pass on the information that is needed to stores, which can increase your chances of receiving support.

How Should It Look?

There are no set rules as to how a one-sheet should look, as long as it fits on one sheet of paper. You can be as creative as you like as long as the presentation and layout is clear and the information is easy to read – keep your text at an easily readable size.

Word documents can look different on each computer or device, so we recommend exporting your finished version as a PDF so it will look the same to everyone who views it.

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