The Surprising Benefits of Making Music Your Hobby

January 11, 2018

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Everyone’s taste in music is unique which means that no matter what music you make, someone is bound to enjoy listening to it. While the UK music industry may favour certain types of music more than others, it is important to understand that there isn’t a single human culture on earth that has existed without music. Music is of great benefit to us, regardless of whether we are renowned recording artists, karaoke singers or merely fans of music.

If you are looking for a new hobby, music should top your list as the health and wellness benefits are remarkable. Music is capable of raising states of consciousness, changing your mood, developing the brain, lowering stress levels and accessing different states of the mind. Making music your new hobby can heal your body and your soul, making you a happier, well-rounded person.

Health Benefits of Making Music your Hobby

Music education at an early age stimulates a child’s brain in numerous ways that improve communication skills, visual skills and verbal skills.  One study observed a group of 4-6 year olds who were subjected to one month of musical training that included lessons in pitch, rhythm, melody, basic musical concepts and voice. The children all displayed an enhanced ability to understand words as well as explain their meaning.

Even children as young as a year old can benefit from exposure to music as it provides them with enhanced communication ability which leads to more frequent smiles and increased signs of sophisticated brain responses.

Keeps an Elderly Brain Healthy

Research has shown that possessing musical training and playing or listening to music as you get older can help keep the brain healthy and alert. Listening to and playing music exercises the brain, boosting mental sharpness and increasing memory. Music even has the ability to help individuals with brain damage regain partial or full access to their memories – depending on the severity of the condition of course.

Music Makes You Happy

Music has the ability to change your mood completely, depending on what you are playing or listening to. Music can make you feel anything ranging from happy or excited to sad or angry.

Engaging in music releases dopamine which is known as a feel-good chemical and causes us to experience emotions such as happiness and joy. Listening to and playing music provides us with similar bursts of exhilaration that we would get from sex, certain drugs and eating a big piece of chocolate.

Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate Benefits

Numerous studies done over time have shown that music has the ability to strengthen the heart and reduce the recovery time of patients suffering from cardiac disease. Regardless of genre, music releases endorphins in the brain that improves heart health. Music is also known to lower blood pressure, slow down heart rate and decrease general distress.

Boosts the Immune System and Reduces Pain

Research indicates that music is able to reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, which is responsible for increasing risk of heart disease, weakening the immune system and lowering bone density. While uplifting music has proved to increase antibody levels the most it is important to stick to the music you enjoy as personal preference does play a part in the overall physical effects of music on the body and mind.

Apart from having a myriad of health-related benefits, the sheer enjoyment music is able to bring to one’s life is more than enough reason to making music your hobby. You may find yourself engaging in music only as a hobby but you may very well, with a bit of practice, become a Grammy-award winning musician.

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