Soundcloud Go Update

June 16, 2017

+44 (0)116 253 0203

You may have noticed that Soundcloud have made a few changes recently and your profile on their platform may have been affected.

A few of our clients have contacted to ask why their music is being uploaded to Soundcloud and in some cases it is causing duplicate tracks and even playlists of albums to be created. When these are created, users are usually not able to edit or remove them either.

Rest assured, that your channels are not controlled by Horus Music and we have not manually created these tracks or playlists.

As tracks are distributed to Soundcloud by us, they are merging and adding tracks based on their ISRC, title and artist name and may even overwrite the original user-uploaded track. The version of the track distributed by Horus Music takes priority over the user uploaded versions. Not only can this be messy, but it also means that some stats and play count can be lost. We have been informed that once tracks have been merged, this process cannot be undone.

We have also been told of instances where some people can only hear a 30 second preview of tracks. This will depend on the location of the listener as Soundcloud Go is not yet available in every territory.

Why is this Happening on Soundcloud?

All of this is due to SoundCloud’s monetisation process and their changing business model into a streaming platform and away from solely user-generated content.

The only way that these issues can be avoided is if we do not deliver your content to Soundcloud. If this is the case please do let us know by messaging the team on ALR.

Additionally, if you do spot any issues with your account on Soundcloud then please contact us via email as soon as possible and we can work to get them resolved for you.

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