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Case Study: Benny Afroe and Singah Collaboration Receives Editorial Playlist Success with Cross Continent Marketing

September 7, 2022

Case Study: Benny Afroe and Singah Collaboration Receives Editorial Playlist Success with Cross Continent Marketing

Rising African artists ‘Rockstar’ and ‘Moon Boy’ AKA Benny Afroe and Singah collaborated on recent track ‘You Know’, released at the beginning of July 2022. Seeking out marketing support from Horus Music Africa, the Afropop love song secured several editorial playlists across major platforms including Apple Music, Spotify and Boomplay. Who are Benny Afroe and […]

How to Prepare Your Music for Distribution as an Independent Artist

August 8, 2022

How to Prepare Your Music for Distribution as an Independent Artist

There are many factors to consider before distributing your releases, it’s more than writing and recording music and submitting to your distributor. In this blog we will detail how to prepare your music for distribution as an independent artist. Including what to check before submitting your release to avoid your music being rejected for a […]

29 Free Services for Independent Artists from Horus Music

July 18, 2022

29 Free Services for Independent Artists from Horus Music

Here at Horus Music, we make it our priority to champion independent artists and implement opportunities to help propel those artists careers forward. We offer a wide range of options for distribution and marketing to suit artists of all genres and whatever stage they are at in their career. Did you know that alongside our […]

Why is considering a longer lead time for your music important?

July 12, 2022

Why is considering a longer lead time for your music important?

With so many factors to consider when distributing and marketing your releases, it’s easy to forget that a major point to consider is lead time for your music. Whilst our team can deliver your releases to stores in 24 hours, numerous factors come into play which may determine the amount of time you want to […]

Dornik Signs Up for an Artist Advance with Horus Music

June 21, 2022

Dornik Signs Up for an Artist Advance with Horus Music

Who Is Dornik? Electro-Soul artist Dornik burst onto the UK music scene in 2010 and was quickly labelled one of the most promising vocalists in R&B. Boasting an impressive resume as a multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter, and producer, Dornik worked alongside London Jazz giants Alfa Mist, Rocco Palladino and Junior Alli-Balogun to form the collective ‘TURTL’ […]

How do I get my lyrics onto Spotify, Apple Music and more?

June 9, 2022

How do I get my lyrics onto Spotify, Apple Music and more?

With many major platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music offering the ability to sync your lyrics to your music, we’ve devised a DIY guide to get your lyrics displaying across DSP’s. You might be wondering why your distributor is only offering a DIY option for lyric delivery rather than uploading direct along with your […]

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