Updates from Horus Music HQ

+44 (0)116 253 0203

Horus Music announces its Partnership with SoundCloud

May 2, 2014

Horus Music announces its Partnership with SoundCloud

Clients of Horus Music will have the ability to have additional tools added to their SoundCloud account due to a partnership between Horus Music and SoundCloud. Artists and labels at no extra cost will have the ability to have the following: Delivery of Content for Fingerprinting This means we will be delivering your catalogue to SoundCloud […]

Nina Condron’s Experience of Representing Artists at Midem

March 6, 2014

Nina Condron’s Experience of Representing Artists at Midem

Written by Client Manager, Nina Condron.  Whilst working as a Client Manager a considerable amount of my time has been spent ensuring a successful Midem. This involved late nights and early mornings trawling through music sites to find the most talented, hardworking and professional artists that didn’t currently have representation. I was carry out research for representing […]

Client Zone Now Open

February 19, 2014

Client Zone Now Open

The long awaited Horus Music Client Zone is now open. We have been planning and developing the Client Zone for a long time so we are very excited to announce that this morning we have opened our platform. All new clients and established customers will be able to log in and use the new system immediately. […]

Nominated for Export Company of the Year

February 18, 2014

Nominated for Export Company of the Year

Horus Music was delighted earlier today as we learned that we are a finalist within the Leicester Mercury Business Awards 2014. Leicester is our where our headquarters is based within the UK so we’re delighted they’ve recognised us. Horus Music is nominated for the Export Company of the Year award, which is sponsored by the UKTI. […]

Nikki Halliwell Shares Her Thoughts on Midem 2014

February 14, 2014

Nikki Halliwell Shares Her Thoughts on Midem 2014

Written by Client Manager, Nikki Halliwell. We’ve been back from Midem 2014 for over a week now and the reality still hasn’t really set in. It’s strange to know that the one event that we have been working towards all year was over so suddenly. Ok, so maybe the weather in Cannes wasn’t the best this […]

Harry Maloney – A Sad Loss to the Music Industry

November 28, 2013

Harry Maloney – A Sad Loss to the Music Industry

Reported in today’s Music Week, UK music industry veteran Harry Maloney has passed away after his long fight against cancer. Harry had a long and varied career in the industry and he was visionary in his views. Added to his knowledge, Harry Maloney was always helping new people learn about the industry and he ran a […]

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