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What is SoundScan?

March 13, 2017

What is SoundScan?

A lot of artists are ready to take the next step in their musical career, with that career there are a number of factors you need to know before you can rise and take over the world with your music. One of those things is SoundScan. What is SoundScan? SoundScan signs up stores and has […]

Anara Publishing Officially Launches

March 10, 2017

Anara Publishing Officially Launches

Remember in June when Horus Music’s Director of Publishing, Deborah Smith, announced they were expanding our sync network? After almost eight months of endless hard work, we can now proudly announce that Anara Publishing has been officially launched. More About Anara Publishing Anara Publishing is our sister company which focusses completely on music publishing. With […]

Optimising your YouTube channel

February 27, 2017

Optimising your YouTube channel

YouTube is arguably the most important video platform for artists to share their promo material, music videos, live shows and behind the scenes footage. However, with an optimised YouTube channel, it can be a lot more effective. In this article we will give some more information on the ways in which you can begin optimising […]

An Introduction to the Music Industry – Part 2

February 23, 2017

An Introduction to the Music Industry – Part 2

Catch up on part 1 here and find out how you can make money from the rights you own. Live Performance Unlike copyright, which can be harder to understand, the are two other forms of revenue streams that artists will use. These two forms of making money are Live Performance and Fan Relationship. To make […]

iTunes Store Artist Image Guidelines

February 16, 2017

iTunes Store Artist Image Guidelines

Did you know you can set your own artist photo on iTunes? Here’s are the artist image guidelines so you can add yours. Send us your photo to add yours. When you click onto an Artist’s page on iTunes or Apple Music, a photo will appear at the top. This photo is separate from your […]

An Introduction to the Music Industry – Part 1

February 14, 2017

An Introduction to the Music Industry – Part 1

The music industry can be a mysterious place. It’s important to what what each area of the industry does and how you can earn a living. Intellectual Property Intellectual property is based around Copyright. Copyright is present in all forms of intellectual property, from film to music to journalism. Although the specifics can vary from […]

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