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Top 10 Most Viewed Music Videos of All Time as of 2017

September 20, 2017

Top 10 Most Viewed Music Videos of All Time as of 2017

Last year we published 10 Most Viewed Videos on VEVO, 10 Fastest YouTube Videos to Reach 100 Million Views and 10 Most Viewed VEVO channels. We’re back with the Top 10 most viewed music videos of all time as of 2017. How have things changed?

What Are Merchandisers and Bootleggers?

September 6, 2017

What Are Merchandisers and Bootleggers?

So, what are merchandisers? You can compare a merchandiser to a label, in a way. A merchandiser has the right (once you sign a contract with them) to use your name on goods. So, in short, they manufacture your goods, they look into the sales at your gigs and, the most important part, they pay […]

Spotify’s ‘Fake Streams’: Our Response

September 1, 2017

Spotify’s ‘Fake Streams’: Our Response

By now, we’re sure that everyone is aware of the recent discussions surrounding Spotify and the so-called “fake artists”. While we can’t comment on the validity of these allegations we were interested to hear about news that followed this; the matter of fake streams.

Tour Merchandise Vs. Retail Merchandise

August 30, 2017

Tour Merchandise Vs. Retail Merchandise

Tour merchandise and retail merchandise are very alike, but depending on what kind of artist you are there can be important differences. There are many ways to go and avenues to choose in terms of merch and often artists forget the opportunities that merchandise can offer. Let’s take a look at the differences between the two.

Capturing Live Performance to Boost Engagement

August 23, 2017

Capturing Live Performance to Boost Engagement

Live streaming and live content is a game changer in the music industry. Artists are now setting up gigs just to so that they have content for their marketing campaigns. It is important to utilise every opportunity you have to get video content to boost your engagement, and here is why:

Is Video Game Sync the Future?

August 15, 2017

Is Video Game Sync the Future?

Video game sync is getting more popular by the day. More and more artists are becoming interested in having their music used in video games. It was announced earlier this year, for example, that a version of Ariana Grande’s track ‘Touch It’ would appear in the soundtrack of the Final Fantasy Brave Exvius game. On top of […]

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