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Instagram Basics

September 5, 2018

Instagram Basics

INSTAGRAM BASICS  In this blog, you’re going to find out who uses Instagram, how to find followers and get like on your photos, and resources and links to more information about marketing. INSTAGRAM IN A NUTSHELL The use of Instagram is simple (and needs to be kept that way). All that you need in your […]

Utilise YouTube to maximise your outreach to fans

August 21, 2018

Utilise YouTube to maximise your outreach to fans

YouTube can be a confusing topic for artists distributing their music online. Depending on whether you have your own channel that you upload music to, you may or may not want to distribute to the platform. Here is a brief breakdown of what the different YouTube services are, and why they exist. Content ID When […]

Horus Music Partners with Diggers Factory to Bring Free Vinyl Production to Clients

March 9, 2018

Horus Music Partners with Diggers Factory to Bring Free Vinyl Production to Clients

For musician’s today, one of the best ways of earning money from music is by utilising several revenue streams. The incredible growth of the digital landscape and the increase in tools available has meant that musicians in 2018 can sell their music in more forms and more places than ever before. Any time a new […]

Why Live Music Events Will Be Slightly Different In 2018

January 30, 2018

Why Live Music Events Will Be Slightly Different In 2018

Now is one of the greatest times in history to be a musician, due to all of the tools and resources that are available – but until recently, it wasn’t a great time to buy tickets to actually see a musician at a live music event. That isn’t to say that ticket sales are going down; […]

The Surprising Benefits of Making Music Your Hobby

January 11, 2018

The Surprising Benefits of Making Music Your Hobby

Everyone’s taste in music is unique which means that no matter what music you make, someone is bound to enjoy listening to it. While the UK music industry may favour certain types of music more than others, it is important to understand that there isn’t a single human culture on earth that has existed without music. Music is […]

The Importance of Promotional Video

January 5, 2018

The Importance of Promotional Video

Video is becoming increasingly vital to music campaigning in today’s online climate. With 55% of people watching online video on a day-to-day basis and spending an average 2.6x more time on video pages, it’s clear where global internet traffic is headed. So, how do you distinguish yourself from the rest of the crowd and ensure […]

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