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Grow Your fanbase for Free with Music is Vivid

December 13, 2021

Grow Your fanbase for Free with Music is Vivid

Competition app Music is Vivid (MiV) have created a unique platform designed to boost independent artists global reach and help grow their fan base organically. Music is Vivid is exclusively dedicated to the success of independent artists, with their platform providing a unique experience for artists to directly engage with their fans. This experience is […]

How to Elevate Your Music Career with Horus Music

November 4, 2021

How to Elevate Your Music Career with Horus Music

Providing a transparent, fast, and reliable distribution service for independent artists and labels on either a subscription or one-time fee basis is a great way to start pushing music out to a wider audience and growing a fan base. But what if you’ve already built up your own fan base and are ready to elevate […]

Otega Receives Cash Advance from Horus Music

October 28, 2021

Otega Receives Cash Advance from Horus Music

Nigerian artist OTEGA has taken the Nigerian music scene by storm since dropping his breakthrough freestyle ‘Stay Woke’ in 2018. He has since released notable releases and collaborations emanating Otega’s original blend of traditional timbres and modern afrobeats. His upcoming release ‘Proclivity’ has cemented his place as one of the most ground-breaking artists to emerge […]

Affordable Music Distribution With No Hidden Fees

October 15, 2021

Affordable Music Distribution With No Hidden Fees

Are you looking for transparent, fast, professional, and affordable music distribution with no hidden fees? Then look no further! Our Unlimited distribution service offers competitive rates, with excellent benefits all included in the advertised price. Priced at just £20 per year for 1 artist profile, our annual subscription service offers artists and labels unlimited global […]

Unlock Royalties with an Advance from Horus Music

August 16, 2021

Unlock Royalties with an Advance from Horus Music

Juggling financial instability and following your dreams simultaneously as an independent musician is hard. For an artist that has poured their heart and soul into their music, being offered a large cash amount in the form of an advance can almost be too good to be true. At Horus Music we continue to empower independent […]

Why is Marketing Your Music Important?

July 7, 2021

Why is Marketing Your Music Important?

You’ve spent months writing, recording, mixing, and mastering your music and its finally time to put it out there into the world – great! Many artists reach this point and assume that the hard work is over and done with, sit back ready for release date to hit and their music to finally be available […]

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