Optimising your YouTube channel

February 27, 2017

+44 (0)116 253 0203

YouTube is arguably the most important video platform for artists to share their promo material, music videos, live shows and behind the scenes footage. However, with an optimised YouTube channel, it can be a lot more effective. In this article we will give some more information on the ways in which you can begin optimising your YouTube channel to make it as effective as possible.

Choosing a Channel Name

This name should be short and memorable. Whether you are a record label, a tastemaker or an artist, your name should be short but more importantly memorable. This can just be your artist name if it is unique enough, but it is important to make sure that your channel name stays in the mind of your audience.

Customising your Channel URL

Having the URL the same as your channel name can make it a lot easier to find compared to using the default URL which can be wordy and irrelevant to your content. It is worth noting that this can only happen when your channel is older than 30 days, has 500 subscribers, channel art and an icon.

Making a Channel Icon

This image must be a square, high-resolution image (800 x 800). It is worth limiting the amount of text in this icon to make sure that it looks presentable at lower resolutions.

Uploading your Channel Art

This is the banner that spans across the top of your channel. It is important to use a large image (2560 x 1440). The most important elements of the image should be within the inner 1546 x 423 space. This allows the most important elements of your image to be seen clearly across desktops, mobiles and tablets.

Writing your Channel Description

In this section you can include details such as what it is that your channel, artistry, record label or taste is about. Other important information such as an upload schedule or even when your next big release is happening is also worth displaying here.

Writing your About Section

This page is most effective when it is used to summarise key information about yourself – contact information, location, links to other platforms e.g. soundcloud, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr Snapchat etc.

Adding Tags to your Channel and Videos

It can be important to add tags to make your content more discoverable. This is information such as your name, common typos of your name and words frequently associated with your genre / style of music. Tags such as this can aid the monetisation of your YouTube content too.

Adding a Watermark to your Videos 

A watermark can be made into a clickable link returning viewers to your channel’s page. It also means that if screenshots are taken of your video that your logo will always be in them. To do this, head over to www.youtube.com/branding

These are just the basics of optimising your YouTube channel, but following these tips closely can allow for a greater audience and a more effective channel.

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