Nina Condron’s Experience of Representing Artists at Midem

March 6, 2014

+44 (0)116 253 0203

Written by Client Manager, Nina Condron. 

Whilst working as a Client Manager a considerable amount of my time has been spent ensuring a successful Midem. This involved late nights and early mornings trawling through music sites to find the most talented, hardworking and professional artists that didn’t currently have representation. I was carry out research for representing artists at Midem.

Advances in technology have made it extremely easy and cheap for bands to record their own tracks and videos etc. This is not a negative phenomenon, however it does mean that the music industry is over-saturated with artists and bands all looking for that big break. It’s impossible for music industry executives to listen to all of the music that has ever been created. So Horus Music provided artists and bands with a platform in which to get exposure, through representing artists at Midem.

Midem is the worlds leading business-to-business music event with: labels, publishers, tech companies, brands, music supervisors and managers all attending. We already have a vast, growing network of contacts (shown by the amount of business cards I came back with). That’s what Midem is all about, it’s about networking and forming new partnerships with music companies from around the world.

What Did I Do While Representing Artists at Midem?

We represented artists at Midem by creating a bespoke electronic press kit on DVD. This contained their music, pictures videos, press cuttings and a biography. This EPK was then shown and handed to various targeted industry professionals. I spent a considerable amount of time arranging meetings with them, in the hope that they can see the promise in the artist and decide to work with them. Anyone who is anyone from the music industry is together once a year in the same place at Midem meaning we can provide artists and bands with unparalleled exposure to help them get the deals they deserve.

In terms of my Midem experience, I broke 3 umbrellas (take note it is false economy to buy cheap umbrellas!) I lost my voice from the amount that I talked to people, I came home and was rather ill from the lack of sleep, lack of healthy food and possibly due to alcohol consumption. But I had some extremely productive meetings, attended 1 or 2 very interesting seminars and met some invaluable contacts! All whilst also helping artists in the process. Now it is just a case of waiting to see if all our hard work has paid off!

Read all about my colleague Nikki’s experiences at Midem 2014 too.

If you think you’ve got what it takes and would like us to represent you at Midem see our international representation page for more information.

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