Nikki Halliwell Shares Her Thoughts on Midem 2014

February 14, 2014

+44 (0)116 253 0203

Written by Client Manager, Nikki Halliwell.

We’ve been back from Midem 2014 for over a week now and the reality still hasn’t really set in. It’s strange to know that the one event that we have been working towards all year was over so suddenly. Ok, so maybe the weather in Cannes wasn’t the best this year, but that certainly didn’t dampen our spirits.

Horus Music has been attending Midem for over 8 years but this was my first time I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. However, after our company dinner at La Pizza and a couple bottles of wine later I was raring to go.

What happened at Midem 2014?

As well as promoting the company, my main job at Midem 2014 was to represent my artists. I would be holding meetings with delegates to help them take their music to the next level. The first 2 days were incredibly busy and were jam packed with meetings all around the Palais de Festivals. I was even able to arrange a very exciting meeting with Bob Aird, the Managing Director of Universal Music Publishing Australia. Bob was genuinely one of the nicest guys I met at Midem and we had a great meeting. He was even nice enough to offer advice for our artists and passed on details of other companies that he felt would be helpful.

Later that night was the Super bowl party at The Carlton. Despite not understanding the game and paying 25 Euros for 2 beers it was a pretty amazing night. I was able to meet yet more incredible people and make some fantastic new contacts.

The most exciting aspect of this years’ Midem was that for the very first time we had our own stand. This gave us a much bigger presence and generated much more interest in us as well as in our artists. Our artist EPK, as well as our iPad app, proved to be an invaluable tool during our meetings too.

As well as making new contacts it’s always important to stay in contact with those that we’ve met before. This included a nice catch up with Barry Tomes of Gotham Records. Midem is all about the music and we headed over to Ma Nolan’s to watch the very talented Nikita Nox. We also saw the amazing Mas Frédéric perform at Morrisons before our last day.

The weather finally improved on our last day and although the event itself was over, this provided us with the opportunity to go out and explore Cannes. Not to mention having one last burger from Le Spot. Midem truly was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to do it all over again. This a statement that is made all too often but when it comes to Midem it couldn’t be any more true. Leaving felt very bittersweet for all of us, it was over all too quickly but this is where the real work starts. Continuing our brilliant relationships with both artists and professionals is what Horus Music is about and we hope that Midem 2014 proved to be successful for all involved.

Now it’s on to the next challenge.

Read all about my colleague Nina’s experiences representing artists at Midem too.

If you’re interested in being represented at the next Midem, you can purchase the package here. Alternatively, you can contact a member of the Horus Music team directly.

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