Manchester Music Show

November 16, 2013

+44 (0)116 253 0203

On Friday the 15th and Saturday the 16th November, members of Horus Music exhibited at the Music Show UK in Manchester. The two days were packed with live music demonstrations from all types of music, brands demonstrating their latest instruments, and service companies helping to organise tours and recordings.

Spending time at Manchester Music Show

This was the first time such a show had been help in Manchester and we made every effort to ensure it was a success for Horus Music. During the show we were visited by a number of people who until now were unaware of how music was delivered to stores like Apple iTunes, Google Music, Amazon MP3, Deezer and Spotify etc. We were more than happy to answer their questions and provide their music distribution solutions. Each artists has different circumstances and this one of the main reasons why we don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach, we allow the artist to choose what works best for them.

The event was also attended by many young people from in an around Manchester. Many of these were looking to learn more about the music industry and we were more than happy to help.

CEO of Horus Music, Nick Dunn stated: “This was our first time at the Manchester Music Show and we didn’t really know what to expect. What we did get was a really diverse range of visitors and lots of very interesting questions. It was good fun meeting companies such as instrument manufactures and sellers we normally don’t interact with and find ways of helping each other.  Since the exhibition has finished we’ve had a lot of enquiries and some new customers signing up already. The staff worked really hard preparing for this event and its not surprising we’re all really tired.”

The Manchester Music Show also served as the first opportunity for us to use our new stand design. Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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