Harry Maloney – A Sad Loss to the Music Industry

November 28, 2013

+44 (0)116 253 0203

Reported in today’s Music Week, UK music industry veteran Harry Maloney has passed away after his long fight against cancer.

Harry had a long and varied career in the industry and he was visionary in his views. Added to his knowledge, Harry Maloney was always helping new people learn about the industry and he ran a number of successful seminars.

Nick Dunn, CEO of Horus Music added “I’ve known Harry for many years and had the privilege of being able to attend Harry’s seminars too. No other person has ever done training to the same high standards that Harry did or been able to get such high profile people in the room to assist in our education. Harry was always a wonderful gentleman who I found a great inspiration. He was always a person who would generously give up time to help with any queries I had. Harry always gave very wise advice and I’m eternally grateful for all he did for my company and me. Harry will be missed greatly and the industry is poorer with this loss. Our thoughts are with Harry’s family at this time.”

Harry Maloney worked in the music industry for more than 40 years and his experience and understanding made him very popular amongst any who met him. Starting as a manager in the early 1970s, he worked with Mandred Mann, Uriah Heep, and Eddie and the Hot Rods.  He achieved 17 platinum, gold and silver awards followed, including a No.1 in the US with a version of ‘Blinded By the Light’ by Brice Spingsteen.

He then moved on to working in top positions within record companies including BMG until 2004. Harry then joined the BPI and represented many of the country’s small record labels as Independent Members Manager. We were very sad to learn that he was forced to step down from his role last year due to illness.

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