Fair Digital Deals Declaration

August 13, 2014

+44 (0)116 253 0203

On the 30th July 2014, Horus Music signed a Labels’ Fair Digital Deals Declaration with the Worldwide Independent Network.

Although Horus Music already adhere to these terms, many companies did not and still don’t share these values. The Global Independent Manifesto shows artists and labels that Horus Music is making a public declaration that everyone will be treated fairly, valued and not have money they are entitled too withheld.

The Fair Digital Deals Declaration:

  1. Ensures that artists’ share of download and streaming revenues is clearly explained in recording agreements and royalty statements in reasonable summary form.
  2. Account to artists a good-faith pro-rata share of any revenues and other compensation from digital services that stem from the monetisation of recordings but are not attributed to specific recordings or performances.
  3. Encourage better standards of information from digital services on the usage and monetisation of music.
  4. Support artists who choose to oppose, including publicly, unauthorised uses of their music.
  5. Support the collective position of the global independent record company sector as outlined in the Global Independent Manifesto below.

We wholly disapprove of certain practices which leave artists under-recompensed and under-informed in the digital marketplace. We will work together with the artist community to counter these practices.

Horus Music CEO, Nick Dunn, added “Horus Music are excited to publicly state how the music industry are working together. We are all working to ensure artists are treated fairly. The WIN declaration helps artists see which companies have a wiliness to share information and income. We have always campaigned and continue to do so that companies give artists fair deals and ensure they are rewarded. I often see court cases against illegal stores who pay huge amounts of money in compensation from the exploitation of music that belongs to artists, yet I know many artists do not ever benefit from that litigation, the companies just keep the profits.  This is one way many of us can show and also demonstrate we are not like the others.”

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