Case Study: ‘Poltergeist’ by Camens

November 18, 2022

+44 (0)116 253 0203

Who Are Camens?

CAMENS are a four-piece indie/alternative rock band from Staffordshire. Their debut single, Boys Will Stray, was picked up by BBC 6Music’s Gideon Coe who described it as a “really strong debut, very well produced”, and Tom Robinson whose team chose it for Tom’s ‘Fresh On The Net’ listening post. Off the back of the single the band got booked up for Latitude, Wilderness, Boardmasters, and Green Man Festivals.⁠

Camens Band


New Single: Poltergeist

Two years on, it’s clear Camens have risen once more, and are ready to take the world by storm, coming up with some of their most impressive work to date. Signed to Horus Music’s Artist & Label Services via record label Bad Apple Music Group, we worked closely with Camens on their new release ‘Poltergeist’, a 3-minute razor sharp Indie Rock track.

Editorial Playlist Pitching Success

We pitched ‘Poltergeist’ across a global playlisting campaign, securing success across a host of editorial playlists:

  • The New Rock – Apple Music [Editorial playlist]
  • New in Rock – Apple Music [Editorial playlist]
  • New Rock Now: The Dive – SoundCloud [Editorial playlist]
  • Heavy Stereo – YouTube Music [Editorial playlist]
  • Indie Alert – Boomplay Music [Editorial playlist]
  • Ultimate Indie – Boomplay Music [Editorial playlist]
  • “Look Around – International Rock” – FLO [Editorial – New Album Exposure]
  • More Promotion Success:

    Alongside playlisting success, Camens took a three-pronged approach to marketing their latest single, utilising Radio and PR to further their success. ‘Poltergeist’ secured national radio play not only in the UK but broke into international markets reaching new audiences in the US, Europe, New Zealand and Singapore. Camens also landed PR placement across several online publications, including an interview feature on ‘From the Strait’.

    By taking the time to carefully curate a marketing plan with our team at Horus Music, Camens saw roaring success for ‘Poltergeist’ and were able to reach new audiences which, without a longer lead time and carefully thought out marketing plan would not have been possible.

    On working with Horus Music, Bad Apple Music Group stated ‘This was our first campaign pushed through Horus and we’re absolutely made up. I’ve been working around Horus releases through other clients for a while but this was our first hands-on experience and the service has been second to none. Everything is gone over in granular detail to make sure everything is correct and the response from the single through the pitching campaign has been fantastic. Matt and the team have been a delight to work with and we’ll be continuing to use them indefinitely.’

    Follow Camens on Instagram, and listen to their music on Spotify

    If you’re interested in working with Horus Music on your next release and would like to achieve similar success, get in touch with our team today and see how we can help you.

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