Burgeoning Alternative Music at The Exchange

June 21, 2017

+44 (0)116 253 0203

A few months ago we attended our third edition of The Exchange conference and showcase organised by the Department of International Trade (previously UKTI) in Mumbai and found a vast difference in the vision behind this year’s attempt. Unlike the previous editions, this time was quite small, controlled and effectively intimate. Especially pleasant was the lack of major label recruits strutting around. It seemed to be a good shift for this project considering the burgeoning alternative music and culture landscape in the India of 2017.

Conducted over the course of the day, the conference covered a wide range of discussions on topics ranging from digital music to live music festivals to the revival of the vinyl. The discussions were engaging as there was quite an enthused audience present who were curious and capable of contributing ideas. Those in attendance seemed to be a good mix from various pockets of the entertainment industry and it was good to run into quite a few familiar faces, old and new.

Getting Involved at The Exchange

Horus Music India also hosted a networking party to conclude The Exchange conference and showcases at Antisocial, Khar(W) and it was filled with good one-on-one interactions with the various professionals. It was particularly heartening to encounter students who, while still in college, were exploring avenues in the music industry. This is a refreshing change for India as majority of our people are still coming to terms with accepting the liberal arts or anything associated with them as viable career options.

We are sure it was refreshing for the Indian industry professionals to interact with the UK counterparts and this probably opened up new ideas and possibilities owing to the vastly different natures of the two markets. We’re at the cusp of it ourselves and learning a lot about this as we are a UK origin company now based in India as well.

Lastly, the showcases were well intended but not daring enough considering the kind of exciting repertoire that exist in contemporary India. However, there is still time to improve upon that as this seems to be but the beginning of the musical bridge between the UK and India.

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