Brighton Music Conference 2016

May 19, 2016

+44 (0)116 253 0203

An article from Client Manager, Lizzie Calvert.

We attended Brighton Music Conference (BMC) which was held 14th & 15th April 2016.

The dance music focused conference featured a number of networking events, panels, talks and a technology exhibition. It was a fully packed couple of days, full of panels, demos and networking.

We had our own stand at the event and it was fantastic to see some familiar faces as well as new ones.  There was plenty going on in the busy conference areas including live demonstrations from Steinberg, Pioneer and Native instruments. My favourite was an incredible demonstration from ROLI of the Seaboard- a midi keyboard with a real difference, there is no need for pots, faders and pitch bend wheels on this keyboard as everything is done literally by touch!

Discovering Brighton Music Conference

On the first day there were a number of panels going on throughout the day including ‘Fighting piracy in dance music’, ‘Music Publishing & Collection Societies Explained’ and ‘Your Brand Is Everything.’ There was also a number of demos going on throughout the day with the likes of Novation in the demonstration igloo. I attended the ‘Distribution, Label Service & Direct To Consumer’ panel, which shared some interesting insights into some emerging territories. They also discussed how different merchandise such as signed T-shirts and personalised band merchandise is still an important part of the music ecosystem for the consumer.

The second day’s panels included ‘Video Marketing in Music’, ‘An Introduction to Sync Licensing’, and our panel ‘Downloads, Streaming, Vinyl and Record Labels: Navigating the Next 10 Years.’ Our CEO Nick Dunn was amongst the panelists and discussed various topics including whether the album was still relevant format in dance music, and how tech companies such see the industry progressing in the future.

We had a fantastic few days at BMC and we hope to see you all there again in the future.

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