BPI Anti-piracy Unit

November 20, 2013

+44 (0)116 253 0203

On Monday the 18th November 2013, members of the BPI Anti-piracy Unit spent the day at Horus Music. The aim of the day was to train staff in the work that the Anti-piracy Unit undertake and how we at Horus Music can help our artists and labels further. Copyright and ownership is a big issue and we are committed to doing what we can to help protect the right and the music of those we work with.

It was very interesting to see from a random selection of six titles we gave the Anti-piracy Unit, over 1,200 illegal links were found. That means those artists are losing around £1000 from their music each time.

To further the staff training, staff from Horus Music will now be spending time in London with the Anti-piracy Unit. This training will provide more ways that we can advise our clients in how to protect and make the most from their music.

We are now looking at new ways we can enrolling our clients into the programme so that their music can be protected upon submission of their releases to our music distribution service. We were also about to speak to the Anti-piracy Unit updating them on how we work so that our two services can better integrate going forwards.

Nick Dunn, CEO of Horus Music Limited stated: “This was a really interesting day in which we all gained a lot of information. It was refreshing to have a candid conversation with the Anti-piracy Unit investigators and see exactly how piracy damages music at all levels. It was interesting to hear how it affects artists who are global names as well as those artists that are not so well known. The day really opened my eyes and that of my staff and we are looking forward to helping our artists further in this area.”

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