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Future Music Forum 2015

October 1, 2015

Future Music Forum 2015

An article from Horus Music Director, Deborah Smith. The sixth annual Future Music Forum took place in mid September in the beautiful city of Barcelona. We were lucky enough to be invited by the team over at Music Xray to attend the three day conference. Beginning on Wednesday 16th September, the conference brought together the […]

5 Reasons Why You Need to Sell Your Music Online

September 28, 2015

5 Reasons Why You Need to Sell Your Music Online

Literally everything is online nowadays, and if you don’t start to accept that now and take advantage of modern technology you and your music could get left in the dark. Imagine living your whole life in a house but never once stepping out to explore the world outside and all the possibilities it brings. The […]

How Long Does it Take to Get Music Online?

September 21, 2015

How Long Does it Take to Get Music Online?

Wondering how much time it takes to get music online and into stores? Turns out it’s not that long at all! The journey of an album from artist to store can take as little as 24 hours. Think about it, you send your music to us on a Monday morning, our distribution team will then […]

5 Simple Ways You Can Market And Promote Your Music

September 15, 2015

5 Simple Ways You Can Market And Promote Your Music

There are many tactics you can choose to market and promote your music, but it can often be difficult to know where to start. We created 5 simple ways that you can use to market and promote your music and help you get ahead. Remember, the more you are able to market and promote your […]

What is Music Distribution?

September 9, 2015

What is Music Distribution?

It might sound like a silly question but you’d be surprised how hard it can be to give an accurate definition of what music distribution actually is. In the first instance, an image of physical albums being transported to shops around the country may spring to mind. In essence that is the main concept. Music […]

Why Should I Trust Horus Music?

August 31, 2015

Why Should I Trust Horus Music?

Some of you may be wondering why Horus Music is the right choice for your music. It is true that we aren’t the “biggest” distribution company out there and granted there are some ‘phoneys’ that you should be wary of. However, in our decade of service we’ve learned a lot about giving our clients the […]

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