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Marketing in the Streaming Age

December 5, 2016

Marketing in the Streaming Age

Cutting through the noise has always been a problem when trying to promote and market your music. The questions has always been how to influence the public and get your music out there and seen by them. When it comes to marketing in the streaming age, we have to re-evaluate how we market music. Let’s […]

Joining the Wider Music Community

November 1, 2016

Joining the Wider Music Community

An article from Horus Music India’s Business Development Manager, Malini Mariharan. This year for the first time we attended the World Music Expo (WOMEX) in Santiago de Compostela in Spain.  WOMEX is THE marketplace for world music. This includes roots, traditional, folk music from all parts of the world. The specialty of WOMEX is that […]

4 Tips to Get Out of Your Songwriting Rut

October 26, 2016

4 Tips to Get Out of Your Songwriting Rut

Songwriting is truly an art form. Capturing a story using words and music and portraying that to an audience can be difficult, especially those beginning moments when you are faced with that blank page staring back at you! But there are a few things to think of that may make it a little easier… Think […]

Horus Music welcomes PPL and PRS for Music move

October 12, 2016

Horus Music welcomes PPL and PRS for Music move

Earlier this week it was announced that Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) and PRS for Music will be moving their national headquarters from London to Leicester city centre. Their new joint venture will begin around July 2017 and will be based in Mercury Place. Here at Horus Music we are very excited about this move and […]

How Publishing Works – Contracts and Rights Explained

October 10, 2016

How Publishing Works – Contracts and Rights Explained

Publishing can be a very tricky area of the music industry to understand. As if the concept of what publishing is wasn’t difficult enough, there are a huge number of acronyms and organisations to remember. Luckily we are here to help make sense of it all for you. Music publishers are essentially the people who […]

2006 Had Some Of the Best Pop Songs of the Decade

October 7, 2016

2006 Had Some Of the Best Pop Songs of the Decade

2006 was a pretty great year in history as well as within the world of the music industry. It also presented us with some pop music gems that have stuck with us for 10 years now. I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether that is a good thing or not. This week, we go over […]

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