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Horus Music Wins Queen’s Award for Enterprise

April 21, 2017

Horus Music Wins Queen’s Award for Enterprise

We are delighted to announce that Horus Music has been awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for International Trade. Established in 2006, Horus Music is a global music distribution and label services company. Having initially focused on management they now offer musicians a simple and affordable solution to distribute their music and videos. Horus Music […]

Why Album Artwork is Still Worth it

April 14, 2017

Why Album Artwork is Still Worth it

Everyone knows that appealing album artwork is more likely to catch a potential fan’s eye. That’s why you need to put a lot of thought into your artwork before you release your album. Why? Because your artwork is directly related to how people see your band. People still look at it, even if they buy […]

Øyvind Weiseth – Inside Our Minds Sees Marketing Success

April 1, 2017

Øyvind Weiseth – Inside Our Minds Sees Marketing Success

Case Study: Øyvind Weiseth sees a variety of marketing coverage during his campaign Date: March 2017 Activity: Marketing, radio and playlisting campaign Duration: 6 weeks Key Outcomes: Notable blog coverage, playlist inclusion, radio play and Laid Bare Session. How We Did It In March 2017, we began working with Norwegian singer-songwriter Øyvind Weiseth for a […]

Streaming, Downloads and Digital Sales

March 29, 2017

Streaming, Downloads and Digital Sales

Many artists did not agree to stream their music at first. Many music fans even had to digitalise every CD they had. Some bands and artists even tried to withhold their music from being digitalised, Tool are a prime example, but many quickly realised the new era of music wasn’t something they could easily ignore. With […]

Article 50

March 29, 2017

Article 50

Today the United Kingdom triggers the Lisbon Treaty Article 50 mechanism to leave the European Union. On a personal level staying in the European Union seemed the only sensible way forwards for both business and protecting our human rights. The campaign on both sides for the referendum was poor, inaccurate and seemed to consist of emotional blackmail […]

The World of Soundscaping

March 22, 2017

The World of Soundscaping

A lot of musicians are on their way to enjoying success. With that success comes a time when you start thinking about publishing options. There are specific things you could do as a musician in publishing – Soundscaping is just one of them. What is soundscaping? Do you remember The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie, where […]

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