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5 Places to Find Great New Creative Talent for Your Next Release

July 21, 2017

5 Places to Find Great New Creative Talent for Your Next Release

There’s a lot of places to look for new creative talent across the internet – so many it can be bewildering! Here’s a quick guide to 5 key sites that contain a lot of new creatives, and who offer curated search to help you sort through the many portfolios you’ll find there. It’s worth doing […]

Three Key Streaming Questions for Independent Labels and Artists

July 10, 2017

Three Key Streaming Questions for Independent Labels and Artists

Streaming is now the main way of making money in the sale of music and this will probably continue to be the trend in the near future. Because of this, it is important that those who are wanting to enter into the marketplace are aware of the main talking points around streaming, in order to […]

Independent Music in Film: Looking Outside the Obvious

July 3, 2017

Independent Music in Film: Looking Outside the Obvious

With the explosion of the independent music and video industry in India, and the rise of independent bands, artists and producers, it is a great time for creators to collaborate and share content that benefits each other. Now, more than ever, creators need to look outside their existing channels to cross pollinate. For example, I […]

Ed Geater – Finding a Place Within Top Playlists

July 1, 2017

Ed Geater – Finding a Place Within Top Playlists

Case Study: From Publishing to Marketing – Working with Ed Geater Date: June 2017 Activity: Playlisting campaign Duration: 2 weeks Key Outcomes: BBC Radio 6 Music airplay and tastemaker playlists How We Did It In June 2017, we began working with Birmingham singer-songwriter and beatboxer Ed Geater. We embarked on a 2 week playlisting campaign aimed […]

Midem 2017 – A First Timer’s POV

June 30, 2017

Midem 2017 – A First Timer’s POV

An article from Client Manager, Matthew Newton. Midem is an annual, international music event and conference based in Cannes, France. This year it ran over the course of four days (6th – 9th June). Key players in the music industry from all over the world gathered at Midem; this provided the opportunity for attendees to […]

Burgeoning Alternative Music at The Exchange

June 21, 2017

Burgeoning Alternative Music at The Exchange

A few months ago we attended our third edition of The Exchange conference and showcase organised by the Department of International Trade (previously UKTI) in Mumbai and found a vast difference in the vision behind this year’s attempt. Unlike the previous editions, this time was quite small, controlled and effectively intimate. Especially pleasant was the […]

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