Updates from Horus Music HQ

+44 (0)116 253 0203

Pre-Order and Instant Gratification

October 11, 2017

Pre-Order and Instant Gratification

Whilst it may seem more convenient to get your music out as quickly as possible, there are many benefits to setting a pre-order date for your music. This is plain to see; take a look at any of your favourite artists, and you’ll see that they announce their albums months (sometimes over a year) in advance of […]

VEVO Requirements and Information

October 11, 2017

VEVO Requirements and Information

When submitting a video release to us, there are several checks that need to be made before your video can go live, this means meeting VEVO’s unique specifications for all releases. This can make video releases a confusing process, but we are here to help! It all begins with requesting a VEVO channel, which can […]

YouTube Art Tracks Explained

October 11, 2017

YouTube Art Tracks Explained

YouTube Art Tracks can be confusing, but they are essentially a YouTube version of a piece of music that they have automatically generated. Art Tracks are created so that YouTube has a complete music catalogue of all tracks they are sent. They are beneficial to artists because they help artists get music in front of […]

Horus Music India and Western Union

October 11, 2017

Horus Music India and Western Union

You should have recently received an email from us with the subject line “Improving Your Contract” (check your junk folders if not), and by partnering with Western Union that is exactly what we intent to do. We are always looking for ways that we can improve things for our clients. This partnership is streamlining the process of […]

Why Should I Trust Horus Music India?

October 11, 2017

Why Should I Trust Horus Music India?

Some of you may be wondering why Horus Music India is the right choice for your music. It is true that we aren’t the “biggest” distribution company out there and granted there are some ‘phoneys’ that you should be wary of. However, in our decade of service we’ve learned a lot about giving our clients […]

Music Industry Associations: What They Do and How They Can Help You

October 10, 2017

Music Industry Associations: What They Do and How They Can Help You

Music industry associations do a lot of great work on behalf of their members ensuring they have a voice and their concerns are heard and acknowledged by the government and the media. These associations exist to represent their members and provide valuable insight for outsiders and Music Industry rookies. There are more relevant to the […]

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