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TikTok Royalties: How are they calculated?

June 16, 2021

TikTok Royalties: How are they calculated?

TikTok has become increasingly popular across the globe in recent years. We’re pleased to offer our clients the opportunity to distribute music to this platform. TikTok’s unprecedented growth over the past few years has led to it becoming a very popular platform. Providing a great opportunity for many artists to reach your audience. The big […]

Continuing to Support our Artists and Labels Against Fraudulent Streaming Activities

May 19, 2021

Continuing to Support our Artists and Labels Against Fraudulent Streaming Activities

Spotify have recently informed us of a significant increase in fraudulent streaming activities on their platform. This includes the use of illegitimate music promotion services to increase streams. It’s exceptionally important for you as an artist or label to check and verify companies who offer “too good to be true” results. This is because they […]

Getting paid from the streaming platforms: How much and when?

April 23, 2021

Getting paid from the streaming platforms: How much and when?

Join us in this article as we delve into the process of getting paid from the streaming platforms for your music. We’ll navigate through deciphering the rate per stream and outlining the timeline of royalty flows. Royalty Rates: Several sources will give an estimated figure based on the current climate. But in truth there is […]

Gramrphone Partner with Horus Music to Support Independent Musicians

March 23, 2021

Gramrphone Partner with Horus Music to Support Independent Musicians

Over the past year we’ve all faced many challenges. For musicians the devastating impacts of COVID-19 have led to the cancellation of live performances all over the world. This has left artists unable to work and more disconnected from their fans than ever before. To help our artists, we’ve partnered with audio live-streaming tool Gramrphone. […]

How to get verified on Spotify, Apple Music and more

March 23, 2021

How to get verified on Spotify, Apple Music and more

Wondering how to get get verified on Spotify and receive the blue tick on your profile? Or how you can update your profile image and biography on different stores? Customising your profile makes it easily recognisable to your fans and helps build a brand. Claiming your profiles can also give you a deeper insight into […]

Support for artists and how to survive lockdown

March 27, 2020

Support for artists and how to survive lockdown

On Monday evening (23rd March 2020) it was announced that the UK was going into lockdown similar to many other countries around the world. For us, at Horus Music, it is business as usual, as we’re all able to work from home and your service should not be interrupted. The DSPs we work with across […]

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