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What is YouTube Content ID and how does it work?

February 24, 2022

What is YouTube Content ID and how does it work?

You may have heard of YouTube Content ID, but what exactly is it and how does it work? What is YouTube Content ID? YouTube Content ID is the $100 million system that YouTube have built and continue to develop to protect your work. It helps content owners find videos where their music has been used. […]

How To Make Your Music Pay in 2022

February 15, 2022

How To Make Your Music Pay in 2022

As an independent artist looking to pave your way in the modern global musical sphere, it’s more important than ever to make sure you are banking your earnings and maximising your revenue from your music. Whether it’s to reinvest into future projects or fund your ability to focus on music full time, ensuring your music […]

How do I distribute my own music as an Independent artist?

February 1, 2022

How do I distribute my own music as an Independent artist?

As digital music consumption becomes increasingly popular, the demand and importance of digitally distributing your music has become an integral part of ensuring your music reaches an audience outside of live performance. For independent artists, working out how to distribute your music can often be a daunting task with a lot of questions rising around […]

Horus Music Nigeria 2021 Wrapped

December 17, 2021

Horus Music Nigeria 2021 Wrapped

Music revenue in Nigeria will increase by 5.6% year on year over the next five years to reach $40m in 2023, according to PwC, which tips the country to be the fastest growing entertainment and media market thanks to the boom in mobile internet. The continent boasts a music-hungry population whose average age is under […]

Horus Music 2021 Wrapped

December 17, 2021

Horus Music 2021 Wrapped

I remember around this time last year, writing the wrap up of Horus Music’s 2020 and thinking wow what a strange year we’ve had with the global pandemic. This year, as we have all adjusted to the new ‘normal’ we’ve seen innovative companies pivot their business to become digital and continue to support music on […]

Horus Music India 2021 Wrapped

December 17, 2021

Horus Music India 2021 Wrapped

Despite 2021 proving another challenging year with businesses feeling the continued impact of COVID-19 around the globe. Horus Music India have been fortunate enough to have had another successful, and busy year. Horus Music India 2021 Wrapped: We’ve hit some major milestones this year in terms of the growth of Horus Music India and the […]

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