8 Tips to Get Your Music Heard

January 26, 2017

+44 (0)116 253 0203

There are many ways in which you can get your music heard. This can be achieved through CD’s, radio, TV and many online distributors. Your music can be uploaded to different online platforms free of charge such as YouTube, Soundcloud and Vimeo. However getting your music heard through the mass amounts of bands and artists that are also online is more challenging. The likes of social media, radio and live streaming are useful to reach your target audience and keep followers updated.

Get your music heard on social media through ad campaigns; prices for this will vary depending on which social media site you wish to advertise on. However, this will be seen by more people which will let your name and music to be known. Another option for getting your music heard online is through self-promotion, though this may more time consuming.

Get Your Music Heard Online

Here are some few tip to help make your music heard through the noise of the online community.

1. Keep track of trends on social media so you’re relatable to your target audience. Using trends will also mean your name and music are seen by more people.

2. Collaborating with an artist that creates similar music in the same genre, will let you grow your fan base.

3. Ensure all the songs you upload have the appropriate tags that relate to your music. This will allow people to find your content easily. It will also allow people who like your genre of music to find your songs more easily.

4. Post regularly to each of your your social media platforms. This keeps your audience engaged and also helps you gain more followers. You can also let your followers know that you’re creating new music and keep them up to date with your live dates.

5. Create a hype prior to the release of a single or album. You can do this through a countdown to the release date and posting album art or snippets of a music video etc.

6. Competitions to win merchandise, tickets or songs etc, allows you to gain more interest for your music. Try asking people to like and share your content, for a chance to win and creating more interest and grow your fan base at the same time.

7. Contact online radio, traditional radio or university radio stations etc. to play your music. Ensure all songs are edited for radio, meaning no swearing or offensive content is included. Radio campaigns are also effective if you wish your music to be promoted further.

8. Live streams mean people can listen to you or your band play live, giving them a more personal performance. Live streaming will also allow people to hear your music instantly and allow them to give you feedback. Remember to post on your social media platforms prior to ensure people know that you’re doing a live-stream.

Online promotion is key to get your music heard. Social media, live steaming and radio channels are popular and can be low cost options to get your music in front of a larger audience.

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