5 Simple Ways You Can Market And Promote Your Music

September 15, 2015

+44 (0)116 253 0203

There are many tactics you can choose to market and promote your music, but it can often be difficult to know where to start.

We created 5 simple ways that you can use to market and promote your music and help you get ahead. Remember, the more you are able to market and promote your music the more royalties you are likely to earn.

  • Get clever with your links. Each store such as iTunes has a link maker system that if placed strategically on your website, twitter profile etc will directly link fans to your album. Find the iTunes link maker here: http://linkmaker.itunes.apple.com/en-us/
  • Join the iTunes Affiliate program where you can link and sell your music via any web page or email. Each sale from iTunes that originates from your affiliate link earns you 5% commission. The iTunes Affiliate program auto-generates links for you and then all you have to do is place them on your website, social media pages and in emails.
  • Take to the streets. Identify your target audience and go straight to them. Stickers, postcards, snipe posters and CD samples are all ways that you can reach your audience without the help of a marketing company. Identify artists that are similar to you and hand out your promotional material outside their gigs. Make yourself a recognisable logo and go ‘sticker bombing’ to put your name out there. Strategically place flyers in places that your audience are likely to be, such as certain bars, cafes and public places.
  • Send your music to community and university radio stations. It’s a lot easier than you think to get airplay on community and university radio stations, especially if you live in the area that they are based in. A lot of community stations have a local music policy meaning that roughly 10% of their playlisted songs should be local, so get sending!
  • Use the internet to your advantage. There is so much potential just waiting to be unlocked if only you know where to look.

Let Us Do The Harder Stuff

  • Horus Music offers radio promotion and digital marketing services that enable your music to reach wider audiences. We work with you to design campaigns that would suit you and help you to reach your aims.
  • Campaigns run over a minimum of 4 weeks but longer campaigns are available upon request. During this time, we would directly contact various radio stations or music blogs and publications that are likely to be interested in your music and approach them for promotion / coverage.
  • We can also create your press release for you and help you to optimise your social media channels, as well as implementing a social media strategy. Additionally, our playlist services can see you appear in playlists on the likes of: Spotify, Deezer, Pandora Radio etc.
  • At the end of each week, you will receive a detailed report that includes who has been contacted on your behalf, any feedback/comments that have been made and links to any coverage. Get in touch now for more information and to find out how radio promotional and digital marketing services can help you.


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